SICA Metallurgical Argentina S.A.
At the same time, in this period, other applications in pressure vessels were incorporated, such as equipment for ammonia, carbon dioxide and compressed natural gas, among others. Faced with the need to have a diversified portfolio and to bet on the brand in the gas industry, SICA developed its Oil & Gas Business Unit in 2004, equipped with specialized human and technical resources to provide the best quality and reliability. to the oil sector in process equipment, becoming today one of the most important players in the market.
In 2010, its fourth business unit began: wind towers, which ended up crystallizing in 2017, when a joint venture was signed with the international group Haizea Wind, one of the benchmarks in the wind market, for the creation of a plant to produce wind towers.
Haizea-Sica is currently a reality that produces more than 450 sections of towers per year, in a process of constant expansion and generator of jobs for the city and the region.
In 2019 we began to go through a transformation process, from a company essentially supplying equipment for the Oil & Gas industry, to one thinking about the company of the coming decades, in a completely different world and with sustainability as its axis. This new vision led us to a change of corporate identity and a new slogan “Industry for Energy”. Today Sica not only manages and develops projects for its traditional products and markets, but also explores and develops other opportunities and sectors such as Lithium Mining, LNG, Hydrogen, and other future sustainable energy vectors.
This is a summary of the history of a leading company in the market, which bets day by day on continuous improvement, product innovation and the permanent professionalization of its human team.